Saturday, February 6, 2010

How To Develop Using Dongle Develop Program Related Networking Using

Develop program related networking using - how to develop using dongle

I would like to develop and promote networking in connection with program, but I know nothing, can you help me on this


networkm... said...

Sounds like maybe you want to create an application on the socket client / server. Doing a little Google search for "socket programming Visual Basic," for example. Create a client and a server at home on the same machine that something simple like an "echo" application is ... It starts the server listening on a TCP port (eg 12345) then restart the client and connect to (localhost) at port 12345, so the echo server is sending what it by the customer. Use it as a skeleton program and create a server application of more sophisticated clientele, which is something like an ATM, for example. Thus, the client and server on different machines from different networks, etc.

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